Saturday, November 12, 2005

Long time no blog (which means long time no blogthings...)

Okies...did start to do a blog t'other day, but it got just that bit too deep and meaningful for the public arena, so I emailed it around instead!! lol. To those of you who got it - thankyou for you support. For those of you who didn't - don't worry your pretty little heads about it, there was nothing in it of interest to you.

Well, so, what have I been doing?? Reading Week presented its own unique challenges: what time to set the alarm for (is 11.30 too late)...How late to stay up before it is classified as an all-nighter...How many times I could justifiably avoid my reading...

I have been reliably informed that by my Third Year, I will gladly use my Reading Week for catching up on reading (cheers Luce, spoil my fun!!) but time alone will tell. Got my first piece of work back today anyway - 2:1, he didn't give any firsts, so I was quite chuffed. Love it.
Well well, what else?? went bowling with my St Johns cru (admittedly a rather slimline selection) but we got to Woking and back without getting stabbed, so overall, rather a success. Bring on Coral Reef (but I still don't have any swimming stuff!! Arrgh!!) Alpha on Weds evening, Reading yesterday (YAY!! Primark!! love it) even if I did get a bit (*ahem*) stressed out about the trains...
Thats about it really. Had some amazing talks to people this week, on MSN and face-to-face, and once again, Lani wins title of "most talked to" person of my week, although Jane comes a tied-close second with Tom (7 at North Tower...the time and date willl remain with me for ever...)
Love you guys
p.s. now i can do a blogthing!! YAY!!!

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