Wednesday, March 29, 2006

100 Have You Evers... (Thanks Lani!!)

1. Made out for more than 3 minutes? erm, yes. But lets not dwell on the past.

2. Slept in a different bed? Yup. Nothing beats your own bed though really...

3. Made out in a movie theatre? not "made out" as such, but it was a date...

4. Made out with 2 different people in one night? Nope. Too much self respect.

5. Thought your cousin was hot? Eeeeew!! Have you seen my cousins!! lol. That would just be wrong!!

6. Been in love? Part of me says yes, but looking back, I don't think so. And I'm trying very hard to avoid it at the moment. The complication is hideous enough as it is...

7. Slept? Well, yes! Not much recently for various reasons, but yeah.

8. Taken a shower with the opposite sex? No, not as such. There've been showers like out on the beaches in America and swimming pools on holiday, but not a bathroom shower, no.

9. Gone over the speed limit? I don't drive :p

10. Painted your room? What are Daddies for?? Duh!!

12. Danced in front of your mirror? *goes very red* *small voice* all the time. Except at uni, where I don't actually have a mirror...

13. Gotten a hickey? no, because I don't date vampires.

14. Been dumped? Well, I suppose it would be called "being dumped", but last I heard from him, he'd asked my best mate out. While we were still together. He never called to say that it was technically...

15. Stolen money from a friend? Never

16. Gotten in a car with people you just met? It was that or walk back to Kingswood...

17. Been in a fist fight? Fists no. Slaps, yes.

18. Snuck out of your house? You've clearly never visited my house (a.k.a. Fort Knox) plus the stairs all creak, there's no such thing as avoiding the creaky floorboards...

19. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? past tense?? Ha, if only.

20. Been arrested? I thought we agreed this was never gonna get talked about again?? lol. Course not!!

21. Made out with a stranger? again, two words: Self. Respect.

22. Left your house with out telling your parents? I actually never do!! How sad is that!!

23. Had a crush on your neighbor? have you *seen* my neighbours?? plus, they're all little kids, so that would just be wrong.

24. Ditched school to do something more fun? no, I was a keen bean.

25. Slept in a bed with a member of the same or opposite sex ? yes, but only same, not opposite.

26. Seen someone die? nope

27. Been on a plane? Unfortunately yes. When they discover a way of getting to the US without flying, I'm *so* there...

28. Kissed in a picture? I don't do PDA's

29. Slept in until 3? nah. Being in bed really isn't that much fun...I'd rather be up and doing something.

30. Love someone or miss someone right now? Both. Let's not dwell on that one either.

31. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? Yup. It's *so* relaxing, an with the right person...

32. Made a snow angel? snow?? what's snow Mummy??

33. Played dress up? I *am* a Princess, I don't need to dress up like one!!! I was never really into that as a kid, other than my Tutu...

34. Cheated while playing a game? Have you ever tried to play Cluedo with me?? Tip: don't if you like to win...I know every cheat in the book. And I've tried them all too. Ask my mum if you don't believe me.

35. Been lonely? When you need someone so badly it hurts...yes. I have.

37. Been to a club? Oh come on, you've only just got me going to the union!!

38. Felt an earthquake? Thankfully no!

39. Touched a snake? I have actually. At Marwell Zoo. It was horrible.

40. Ran a red light? I still don't drive...

41. Been suspended from school? Nope, I was a good girl me...just ask Mrs Clarke if you don't believe me...

42. Had detention? Only lunchtimes. And that was only coz the whole class got kept in.

43. Been in a car wreck? Not a wreck, although a kid once cycled into the car on the passenger side and smashed the windscreen and made a huge dent in the side of the car...

44. Hated the way you look? If I'm honest, yes. Quite a lot. And even tho I got told off for it the other night, its still gonna happen.

45. Witnessed a crime? nope. not to my knowledge anyway.

46. Been lost? My map reading skill is of, well, variable standard...

47. Been to the opposite side of the country? well, from here, that would be no. And the furthest East I've been is Ashford and West is probably Bristol...

48. Felt like dying from embarrassment? SO many times...I need to choose my friends more carefully I think...

49. Cried yourself to sleep? It happens.

50. Sang karaoke? Oh yes. Many times.

51. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do? Where to start?? Well, in here, passed my Physics with an A, got in a plane again after 9/11, left home... more negatively, fell for the wrong person. Again. stayed up late to finish work that is due in the next day.

52. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose? Eww!! No!!

53. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes

54. Kissed in the rain? *ahem* yes.

55. Sung in the shower? I'm more of a bath girl if I'm honest...

56. Had a dream that you married someone? Yes, so lets move swiftly on so as to avoid any awkward questions.

57. Played getting married? When I was *very* little...

58. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? Can't say I ever have actually...

59. Ever gone to school partially nude? nope

60. Been a hooker? Do those two words need repeating again??

61. Sat on a roof top? Noooooo, but I would really love to sometime...

62. Didn't take a shower for a week? Happens often actually, as I said, I'm more of a bath girl...

63. Ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone? I've given myself a life ban on scary movies, coz I get scared and need a cuddle...

64. Played chicken? nope, I value my organs being *inside* my body, not squashed on the road by a car

65. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? No, so lets keep it that way...

66. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger? yes, but he was drunk, so I didn't pay too much attention to it...

67. Broken a bone? No, but there's still time...

68. Been easily amused? I have a *very* low humour threshold...

69. Laugh so hard you cry? all the time!!

70. Cheated on a test? Nothing that really mattered...

71. Forgotten someone's name? Since I have the memory of a golfish, it happens all the time!!

72. Blacked out from drinking? never

73. Played a prank on someone? hehe, yeah. good times!!

74. Gone to a late night movie? nope.

76. Failed a class? I've actually *never* failed any kind of exam. Come very close with Physics, but never actually failed...

77. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat? man, I choke on stuff I *am* supposed to eat!

78. Played an instrument for more than 10 hours? Erm, not straight off, but rehearsals for West Side Story were pretty intense...

79. Had feelings for two people at the same time? nope. I'm a one man woman. Maybe that's my problem...

80. Did you celebrate the 4th of July? no, but I did give it a thought.

81. Thrown strange objects? When I'm angry, I throw whatever is to hand

82. Felt like someone else? never...maybe that's my problem too...

83. Thought about running away? yeah, never actually done it tho...

84. Ran away? Oops. See above.

85. Had detention and not attend it? Never had detention :P

86. Made parents cry? My dad is getting dead emotional in his old age...

87. Cried over someone? what, like, today?? or ever?? lol. Not today, before anyone starts to worry, but yeah, often.

88. Owned more than 5 sharpies? *translation error*

89. Dated someone more than once? *ahem* moving swiftly on...

90. Have a dog? nope

91. Own an instrument? One or six

92. Been in a band? Let's get one thing straight, I'm not *with* the band...I *am* the band...

93. Drank 25 sodas in a day? no

94. Wish you could go back in time and change something? regret is a very bad thing. Yes, of course I do, I'm human. But we live and learn.

95. Shot a gun? haha, just stop and think on that with a gun?? HAHAHA!!

96. Been on Myspace for more than 5 hours? I don't have a Myspace, but Facebook...

97. Been through puberty? well, I'd like to think so...being 19 an all

98. Have a major crush on someone right now? is nothing secret round here?? oh yeah, no, its not!!

99. Have a religion? lets just say, my favourite quote of the last few weeks, "I don't believe in religion, I believe in God" (thanks Tim, you're a legend)

100. Thought about what people would say at your funeral? Yes, but I was ill at the time...

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


This might seem like a bit of an echo of Lani's blog (WOW!! Paula has just MSNd me to say I need to blog again...just as I'm writing this! madness) Anywho, the point of this blog: what I should have done long ago and what I should say to people a lot more than I do...
In no particular order really, just as my thoughts take me...
Lani - my uni mum. She really really is. This week I've had a mini regression with my hideous complication, and she's been there 100% and didn't even tell me off for missing my curfew (again!) when I was trying to sort things out. She's just Lani, and she's amazing in every way...she even organised a mammoth operation to make me a birthday cake at Cell last week without my knowledge in any way...she is amazing and I love her to bits.
Sarah N - my other uni mum. She keeps telling me I can go to her any hour of the day or night with my problems, and when other people tell her that I've been upset, she gets upset that I haven't gone to her. THAT is friendship. When someone so chronically busy as she is can still find time to get upset that I haven't gone to her with a problem...words are actually failing me at this point, but she knows (I hope) that its just me giving her a little break from my woes by taking them to someone doesn't mean I love her any less.
Nao - lots and lots of special housemate love to my Nao...a rubbish liar but one of the best friends a girl could have. Always there without fail, and ALWAYS patient with me, even when I'm making a mess of things. Or reading invisible *ahem* subtexts into conversations that aren't really there. Good job she's on my committee really, I need someone to keep me organised!!
Laura P - I've been a rubbish friend to you recently...and yet you're still there for me when I get upset very late at night and need a cuddle. For keeping me sane in Novel and Poetry lectures...I love you so much, and I *will* be better next term. I'm not making excuses, coz I've *never* been the kind of girl to let a guy come between me and my girls, so I'm not gonna let ANYTHING come between us, you're too special.
Jo B - my uni big sister. And she really is. If I could chose any sister in the world, it would be Joey. She's such an amazing person, we struggle together, laugh and cry together and generally spend far too much time procrastinating together when we should be working.
Paula - who has gone remarkbly quiet on MSN just now...but she still gets a mention. I've got to admit, Paula always intimidated me slightly when I first met her. Now I know she's just mad. Lovely. But mad. If there's one person guaranteed to make me smile when I'm down, its Paula, and that is such an amazing quality to have in a friend.
Ben, Chris Tis and Tom Page - not quite sure how, but you three have the amazing ability to always, without fail, make me laugh, however stressed or upset or angry I am, you guys just crack me up (that is a *really* good thing btw!!) It's gonna majorly suck next year when Chris and Ben have left...but until then, keep it up guys!! It's good for my mental sanity if nothing else!! (Special note for Chris Tis - your MSN names are actually starting my day with a smile every morning!! You're a legend too)
Tim Rose - I doubt he'll ever read it, but I thought I'd give him a mention anyway. He's been amazing this term, despite always assuming that I'm in some sort of mess through my own actions...when I turn up in his office going, "Tim, Help" I'm met with "Why? What have you done now?" But all jokes aside, his help in the last few days with my hideous complication has been brilliant and I wanted everyone to know how thankful to him I am for that.
Chris, Lani, Nao, Rhian, Hannah, Alice - my cell. Some of you have already had individual mentions (oooh, aren't you special!!!) (Well, yeah, that is the point of this blog entry) but as a group I wanted to make a special point - I have never *ever* felt as loved by one group of friends as I did last guys are so special to me, and I'm gonna miss yous all *so* much next year when we aren't in the same cell anymore!!!
I think that's about the lot!! Sorry to get so emotional, but as I was just saying to Paula, I was overtaken by a mood and felt that I should maybe say some stuff that I haven't said to you guys in a while. I don't say it often, but I really do value you all *so* much, and I know how lucky I am to have you all around me
Big Hugs all round...feel free to come and see me for a proper one anytime yous all like
love always

Friday, March 10, 2006

Ho hum...

Well well well. Where to begin?? The last few weeks have been really rather uneventful (apart from last night, more of which later). TONNES of work, and I mean literally TONNES. Definately a physical as well as metaphorical weight on my shoulders at the moment. But still. We don't complain. much. lol. I'm actually considering looking in my diary to see if anything has happened since my last blog *searches for said dairy* but the saddest thing is, the most exciting thing I've done in the two weeks or so since my last have coffee with Lani and Nao. Don't get me wrong girlies, it was a very fun time, but it shows how much of a life outside the uni bubble I don't have at the moment!! I need to get out more.
Actually, having said all that, some very good things have happened to those around me...Mark was inducted into his new church, which was all very Anglican and faffy, but still quite interesessting, especially as we had banners :) Go Paula and Jo!!! And of course, the Exec Elections where John got voted in as Welfare Officer. That was a *very* nervous few hours waiting for those results, followed by a few very fun hours of celebrations.
Elections. Funny we should come to talk about them...which leads me nicely (humbly and modestly) onto last night...CT elections. I thought it would be a good idea to stand for President. So I did. And didn't realise until I walked back into the room and the union bloke was opening his mouth to tell me I'd won that "I WAS GOING TO BE IN CHARGE OF A SOCIETY". But I won. So now I am!! And it's SO exciting!! Scary, but exciting!! Had my first meeting as "President" with Tim today, and I think it's going to be an AMAZING year...I've got a brilliant committee to work with, so I'm looking forward to getting to know those people I don't know so well better and getting on even better with the ones I do know. We then followed the elections with Cell, and it was mos def one of the best yet. Love it.
So yeah, its all good really!!
Until later fellow bloggers...