Monday, April 24, 2006

I almost forgot...

Oh yeah, and I've had all my hair cut off!! Almost forgot to say :)



L.C.T. said...

OK so woooooo she blogs again! But hair? Gone? What? OOOoooh can't wait to see it!! :D:D xxxx

t said...

All cut off? For Brazil sponsorship I hope!

girl said...

me too!

L.C.T. said...


Why haven't you blogged in so long?? :( The short hair is beautiful but it is no excuse for leaving me in suspense about your life for so long. Especially when I see you now! How am I supposed to find time to see you *and* keep up with your life?! ;) I feel bloggage is needed. And revision is no excuse either Miss Robins...

I look forward to reading the next installment *very* soon! :D

Oh, and POKE!